heal your overspending & become

Cash Conscious

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Join the WAITLIST \\ Cash consciousness is now closed \\

Are you looking at your credit card bill each month wondering where all of your money went?

Are you trying to pay off debt but can’t seem to stop racking up expenses?

Do your financial goals feel out of reach because you don’t know where to get started?

Do you feel like a wannabe Rich Girl?!

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.


That used to be me.

I was living paycheck to paycheck, or rather… from car accident to pet emergency. I felt like I would never get ahead financially, like I would always be in debt and that the big life I dreamed of was for someone else, not me.

It took a big wake-up call, but in the matter of mere months, I decided to change my financial life. I overhauled my money mindset, paid off five-figures of debt, and finally set myself up for success.

Since then, I've increased my net worth by 1540%.

& so can you, babe!

For the first time ever, I'm sharing the techniques I've developed to stop overspending and achieve your financial goals in a three-day workshop, followed by a thirty-day support system to help you reset your financial habits for good.

Believe it or not, this is NOT about restriction. My money plan allows me to spend guilt-free on the things that matter to me. And it should be the same for you.


In the THREE DAY WORKSHOP you will learn: 

What Drives your Spending

How to Stop Overspending

How to Track your Spending 

The Basics of Budgeting

How to be Confident with Money

How to be Conscious with Money


Setting goals can be scary, but I've got you. In addition to the workshop, I want to support you in changing your habits. Here's what to expect over 30 days:   

A daily email from me with encouragement and strategies to stay the course

Support from me & your peers inside the Old Money Country Club

The tools, strategies & shortcuts to mastering your personal finance


as of September 1, 2024, cash consciousness is closed


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Join the WAITLIST \\ Cash consciousness is now closed \\


A three-day workshop series followed by 30 days of support to help you reset your cash habits.


Copyright Old Money 2023. 

The content presented in this podcast is intended to entertain educate inspire and support listeners in their personal and professional development and does not constitute business, financial, or legal advice. Please note that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services for which individuals on the show may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services related to the episode.